JuJu Thyme
JuJu Thyme
Time to tell a new story.

Time to tell a new story.

Sidereal Full Moon in Capricorn (July 2024)

Hello Beautiful,

Today we are talking about the Full Moon we experienced yesterday, and what we can expect in this Full Moon Cycle. I will also talk about some guidance I received from Spirit as we go on our individual paths towards peace, love, joy and abundance.

Our Anchor for this Full Moon Cycle:

Spirit is guiding us to anchor ourselves in the ability to “project” outside of ourselves. Project ourselves in an, of course, non-judgemental way so we can look at each story that is repeating itself in our minds and what story is repeating itself in our lives. Only then we can ask the question whether or not this story is true or not true. Ultimately, Spirit wants us to affirm that we listening to our higher selves. During this Full Moon cycle we are to affirm: (and you can say it with me as I say each statement 3 times.)

I listen to my higher self.

I dismantle the false stories in my mind and my life.

I am kind to myself.

And how are we to do this? First looking at the astrological…

There is a lot going on in the Sidereal Astrological chart right now, but it’s moving us into more. So as mentioned this is the Full moon cycle and in this cycle we are bringing in abundance by releasing. For this Full Moon we are in the sign of Capricorn (sidereal). When the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, the Spirits are emphasising our need to look at our foundations and the order in our lives. We are being made aware of the functions that are working for us, working against us, and that are non-existent. The Moon will also have us face any kind of constraints that we may have, no matter if they are real or perceived constraints. During this Full Moon cycle, we may even notice these constraints more. With the moon - being about our foundations along with the nature of the moon - we are looking at these “constraints” as something that is not meant to stop us, we are meant to be aware of them, but to ultimately determine what needs to be created so that order and methods can be established. This time may even show us any kind of weak areas we may have and what tools we need to be mastering right now.

The Moon is also conjunct with Pluto, so we are getting this energy, in this full moon cycle, of death and transformation. We are going to have to be very creative and, definitely, let go of systems and functions that are no longer serving us but also (in terms of that transformation) ask ourselves, “How can I work with what I have?”, “What can I do in this situation, right now?” etc. Definitely be sure that you are taking care of your mental health, because during this full moon cycle, some people may find themselves feeling anxious but Spirit is reminding us to not stand in the anxiousness of an unknown future but to be very present in the possibilities of now. Lastly, with the Moon and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn we are building a new story concerning our constraints, restrictions, limitations, fear of the unknown, fear of endings, fear of looking at reality, fear of time- basically any constraints we may feel we have, we are being encouraged to create a new story about it.

As Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and Saturn is in Aquarius right now this is also very much supporting us in looking into any kind of limitations that we may be putting on ourself and our own mind. Also, any kind of way that we have been a follower of someone else’s or societies will is very much discouraged. We are establishing the knowing of our sovereign mind.

We also see that the Moon and Sun are in opposition to each other, and the Sun is in Cancer. With the Moon and the Sun opposing each other we are clarifying our position when it comes to our basic needs of what we are wanting and needing. This is definitely a conversation that will come up or feel like you need to have with yourself or perhaps the people around you. Remember, with the Moon in Capricorn and Pluto conjunct, we are building a new story. So with the Sun in opposition, we are being sure not to leave behind our needs as we may have done in the old stories.

Along with the Sun we also see Venus sitting in Cancer, so there is also this need to address our pleasures. So relationships, creativity, and our sense of belonging may come up during this time and our needs associated with them. So add these aspects to the new story you’re building for yourself. This could be a good time to re-evaluate our relations during this time and find ways to establish some kind of function that will work for us. Venus and Jupiter also have a good relationship right now and because of this there is an influence that will want us to provide more context and intention to what is happening with our needs, pleasure, relationships and our sense of belonging.

Overall, our constraints are not stopping us, whether they are real or perceived. And if the stories are not true, we are being asked to creatively work our way around it. The old stories we tell ourselves or the old stories of society, they are not satisfying the reality we are being called to move into.


Next, I wanted to pull some cards and channel some messages from The Divine Dark Cosmic Mother and Their Messengers, so we can have further guidance and direction as we go towards our individual paths of peace, love, joy and abundance.

The Spirit surrounding us:

So regarding whether there is a Spirit or energy surrounding us, it’s definitely a Spirit. The Spirit that is surrounding us is a Spirit that is encouraging us to begin a new journey and is all about new beginnings. This Spirit is here to assist us in tapping into potential. Especially, when we are looking at our “constraints”, its the realisation that there is a path that is either over, under, around etc, that is filled with potential and there’s this curiosity to explore it. This Spirit in this Full Moon cycle is really asking us to be creative and open-hearted. There is a child like curiosity in our exploration as to what’s possible. Again, we are telling ourselves a new story. This Spirit also wants is to be careful about our arrogance and our possessiveness. As we are finding these new beginnings and potentials of whats possible there isn’t room to be arrogant or act like you “know it all”. To have curiosity is to admit that it’s okay that we don’t know but we are willing to explore to see what happens. Yes, something can come out of it, fantastic, or maybe nothing will, but that’s okay, it’s all apart of this learning process. Which is also why being possessive about the outcome of something, is an aspect that will need to be released, if you haven’t released that yet. Overall, the new stories that we create, at the end of the day, will affect us because we are breaking old notions of ourselves and our life. Hence why, there is a need for us to have the ability during this full moon cycle to project outside of ourselves - also this Spirit is very non-judgemental, they are curious - the success or failure of trying something new is just play for them - but the lesson to take with us that They want to teach is that ultimately this “play” will lead us to our divine path.

What’s coming:

What’s coming into our lives during this full moon cycle is going to be this need to release this idea of perfectionism. We are coming into a rite of passage, which means we are learning. Also more harmony is coming into our lives. Overall we are being encouraged to take the next steps, to go from one status to another. We are being asked to shift into a new frame of reality. So it would be in our interest to be productive and to make peace with what it is we are releasing as we are going towards this initiation, this rite of passage. The reason this is coming into our lives is because it's meant to make a difference, to expand our learning, and for us to tap into our resources.

Whats leaving:

So whats leaving our lives during this time is anything that has made us feel oppressed. Not saying that the oppression won’t still be there but again we are moving differently. We are gaining a new sense of strength in ourselves because helplessness is leaving our lives. We are realising that we are stronger than these external forces that has been oppressing us. For some it may feel like a down fall, but at the end, there is a knowing that nothing will be destroyed because we are in a state of rebuilding. The reason why this is needing to leave is because in the past there may have been this feeling of being stuck or that nothing can be done or accomplished. There was just a lot of disappointment, and an inability to let go or progress. But now we are transitioning into the next phase. We are letting go so we can move on to our rite of passage. This full moon cycle, something is coming to a conclusion and your Guides are preparing you for it.

Spirit Instructions:

Where can we start? What are somethings we can begin doing that will lead us to our individual paths towards peace, love, joy and abundance?

The Inner-Work: We are being asked to see from the eye of our heart. We are being asked to go beyond our wildest dreams. Perhaps in the past, even though you may have wished or wanted a lot of things, there was still these constraints or feelings of helplessness. And so in a sense we are being asked to be dreamers, to embrace ourselves, and to embrace our emotions. This could be a very good time to journal about your wildest dreams. Journal about how good it can get. Journal about how it will feel like. It’s all a part of that process to just giving ourselves a new story. We are asked internally to dig deep into what is possible. Lastly, because we need to add a bit more play and curiosity into our lives, this could also be a good time as well to engage in a hobby (new or old). Do something that your inner you loves doing for fun, that helps you get outside of your mind so you can practice seeing beyond what your limited eyes and mind can see. Dream big is the inner work.

The Outer-Work: We are being asked to harvest.

You may want to be financially responsible right now. So be good with your wallet, be good with your bank account for this full moon cycle. If you are in a state in your life where you can make investments (you’ve done the financial responsibility work), you can look into investments if you are seeking it. You can start your research and start harvesting information, start asking questions etc.

This could also be a good time for you to start harvesting any kind of paperwork you may be needing, as proof of why you deserve a raise or promotion. Or perhaps, it’s to apply for that job that may come up during this time.

Lastly, we are harvesting life and the enjoyment of life. It’s the reminder that we are not “living to work”. So if you have a tendency of being a workaholic consider it a time to create more harmony in your life. If you have a tendency of waiting for people to join you, consider doing what you want to do by yourself, to enjoy being alone with yourself and enjoy your own company.

Anyway, thank you beautiful for being here with me. I hope that this gave insight and guidance as we navigate this Full Moon cycle.


juju thyme

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JuJu Thyme
JuJu Thyme
Muse, Writer, Oracle & Hoodoo