JuJu Thyme
JuJu Thyme
I am at ease with life.

I am at ease with life.

Sidereal New Moon Gemini (July 2024)

Hello Beautiful,

For today we are talking about this New Moon, and what we can expect, and some guidance from spirit as we go on our individual paths towards peace, love, joy and abundance.

Our Anchor for this New Moon Cycle:

Spirit is guiding us to anchor ourselves in “Ease”. They want us to affirm that we are at ease with ourselves and life. During these roughly two weeks (from New Moon to Full Moon), Spirit is guiding us to not resist or force. We are to affirm:

I am at ease with life.

I trust that there is an outcome brighter than I can imagine.

My Spirits and Guides lead me well.

And how are we to do this? First looking at the astrological…

For this New Moon Cycle (from New to Full) we are in the sign of Gemini (sidereal). When the Moon is in the sign of Gemini, The Spirits are emphasising our need to nourish our communication, to nourish and amplify our ideas and words, and for some we are nourishing our need to speak our mind, to bring our internal to the external. So for this New Moon cycle, over the next two weeks, as we are going from new moon to full moon, notice where in your life you are being guided to use your words and ideas to communicate something. Notice what you feel called to speak up about. If you already know what you are needing to communicate or speak up on then nourish the opportunity to express and amplify what it is you need to say or do.

For this New Moon in Gemini we are creating new promises and commitments to ourselves by opening up our throat energy centres, communicating our needs, speaking up on our ideas and saving ourselves from small minded thinking and dreams so we can amplify our ideas and dream bigger. Ultimately, we are using our voice and imaginations to move us forward so we can fulfil and manifest, whatever we are moving towards, into our reality.

We are being called to move ourselves out of this limbo state of not knowing and asking. Leaving ourselves in the state of not-knowing or not- asking or not-expressing and doing, creates a resistant force in our lives that Spirit does not support, as mentioned, we are allowing Ease into our lives. When we allow ease to come into our lives, we are also allowing knowledge, wisdom and inspiration forward as we are guided to the path of least resistance.

Also quite poetically, the planet of Gemini is Mercury, and during this time, Mercury is sitting in the sign of Cancer, which is the sign of the Moon. So this will be a good time to not only recognise and speak up about our needs but (as I said) to also nourish them.

Lastly, during this time, we want to confront or just recognise our fear of speaking our minds, or the tension and stress we may get when we try to articulate our needs to others. Observe these emotions in this New Moon cycle, they are letting you know where you still need to grow and heal. But also recognise where you may feel (or others may pressure you) to rush, act, or speak - before you are ready. In these situations, take a step back and choose ease, choose to nourish yourself first.


Secondly, I wanted to channel some messages from The Divine Dark Cosmic Mother and Their Messengers, so we can have further guidance and direction as we go towards our individual paths of peace, love, joy and abundance.

The energy surrounding us:

The energy that is currently surrounding us is one that is having us confront loss and/or confront whatever it is we are fixating ourselves on. This fixation is the resistance, the resistance of letting go. This energy is coming into our lives because our guides want us to see what it is in our lives that we have stagnated on, or have become so hardheaded and unmovable in. A loss happened and that should be grieved, but there is so much more that you have gained, there is so much more that is around you, that deserves and craves our attention.

What’s coming:

What’s coming into our lives during this time is rest. Rest from strife. Rest from conflict. Rest from anger. Rest from bitterness. This is definitely inline with the earlier message of anchoring ourselves in Ease. There are other things we need to be tackling and our Guides would rather us save our energy for those. There are major shifts that’ll be happening for us, shifts that could change everything. Shifts that could solidify our foundations for the better, if we not let minor crumblings distract us. And right now, there are certain things, situations and people in our lives that do not deserve our attention and energy. So our Guides are redirecting us by giving us the space to rest from it all.

Whats leaving:

I received some specific messages when it comes to whats leaving, so lean into your guides and intuition so you can know what message is for you.

So, as rest and ease are coming into our lives, as mentioned, strife and bitterness will be encouraged to leave our lives. This is important to be leaving our lives during this time because it seems like whatever it is we were engaging in has either encouraged this “shoot first, ask questions later” attitude, or has built up some pent up animosity or annoyance in ourselves, that either makes us want to lash out or act impatiently. Spirit says to clear and calm your head.

  • Suggestion: Spiritual bath to cool and calm head

For some, this strife is related to family, but Spirit is reassuring you now that based on the choices you make and the new knowledge you gain, that this will be leaving your life. (Depending on your situation this could be literally making its way out of your life or a solution will be presented that allows the strife to leave). No matter what, there seems that there could be close family and/or friends that you may feel to be detached from to reevaluate the relationship or find new ways to co-exist towards peace.

Also, again for some, if you have had new financial issues that have arisen these too are leaving and/or slowly becoming resolved. Which will allow you to refocus back on the foundational issues when it comes to your finances. And this is great because those new issues were sidetracking your bigger goal of resolving the foundational issues.

Now, this message is for majority of us, it seems as though there have been feelings of feeling unfulfilled. As we choose ease, new pathways will be made available, and because of this there will be better understanding as to what fulfils us. We will learn how our feelings of being unfulfilled stemmed from our deeper need of approval from others. And this need of approval from others, is a resistance in our lives, and Spirit is encouraging us to leave it behind.

Spirit Instructions:

There has been so much that Spirit has given us when it comes to what we can be doing internally and externally during this New Moon in Gemini cycle. But to sum it up:

The Inner-Work we can be leaning towards is ease. We have to be cautious not to use force on ourselves and others. Instead lean into your emotional, intellectual and spiritual knowledge to inspire a new path of least resistance for yourself. Your health and your wellness is important, so if you feel called, refocus on that. In this cycle we are learning what true strength means.

The Outer-Work Spirit is suggesting for us is to Reject. This is us putting into practice using the word “No.” This is us rejecting force and rejecting the need to be right so we can allow situations to unfold so you can see clearly what or who we have in front of us. We are rejecting the need to fight to be heard, or fighting to be understood. There is something very graceful, elegant and wise in our use of rejection and us being rejected. There is a lot to learn, yes, but there is a lot to gain.

Thank you beautiful for being here with me. I hope that this gave insight and guidance as we go move into this New Moon cycle, with ease.


juju thyme

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JuJu Thyme
JuJu Thyme
Muse, Writer, Oracle & Hoodoo